Explore Thuoc Lao Culture with Vietnam Tour 247

Thuoc Lao culture

Discover the rich tradition of smoking Thuoc Lao and experience the unique bamboo bongs of Vietnam with Vietnam Tour 247. Our expert guides will lead you through this cultural journey, offering unparalleled insights and unforgettable adventures.

What is Thuoc Lao – Pipe Smoking?

Thuoc Lao, also known as Nicotiana Rustica, is a type of strong-smelling tobacco commonly smoked after meals when feeling full to ‘aid digestion’ and is one of the oldest customs in Vietnam. ‘Lao’ tobacco literally means ‘tobacco from Laos.’ This traditional Vietnamese tobacco can be smoked or chewed. When smoking tobacco, people often use bamboo pipes. If you are looking for a new stimulant in Vietnam, smoking Thuoc Lao or ‘hút tẩu’ will be mentioned by most Vietnamese as the top choice.

What is Thuoc Lao – Pipe Smoking?
What is Thuoc Lao – Pipe Smoking?

What is Bamboo Bong?

As mentioned earlier, Vietnamese people use a bamboo pipe known as a “bamboo bong” to smoke thuoc lao. There are typically three main types of bamboo bongs in Vietnam:

Dieu Cay

This is the most popular and simple bamboo tube. It consists of a 50-centimeter bamboo cylinder with a small bowl hole at one end. The closed end contains a little water, while the open end is used for smoking. Users put tobacco into the bowl, light it, inhale, and release the smoke. The sound of the dieu cay is inspiring to smokers. Smoking thuoc lao with a dieu cay is convenient, flavorful, resonant, and cheaper, making it common among workers and farmers for daily use.

Dieu Bat

This type includes a ceramic pipe bowl for catching water and a small straight stem made of around a 50-centimeter bamboo tube. Tobacco is placed in a hole above the bowl, ignited, inhaled, enjoyed, and exhaled. The bowl of the dieu bat is often adorned with intricate patterns, making it popular among royalty and the elite. Due to its inconvenience for portability, dieu bat is primarily used at home, and the aristocracy often requires their servants to handle and light the stem. Enjoying a scented teapot after smoking is a delightful tradition.

Dieu Bat
Dieu Bat

Dieu Ong

This is a 30-centimeter tube made of precious wood, animal bones, or ivory, with silver hoops, handles, and rims. Adorned with intricately carved patterns, dieu ong is favored among wealthy families. Servants accompany their employers with the dieu ong at all times.

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How to Enjoy Thuoc Lao – Pipe Smoking?

To smoke thuoc lao using a pipe, all you need is a bamboo or plastic pipe, a ball of Vietnamese tobacco, and a match to ignite it. To experience pipe smoking, you can simply visit any drink stall on the streets. Order a cup of green tea, prepare a tobacco ball, place it into the pipe, ignite the tobacco, wait for a moment, then blow the ash out of the pipe. Take a deep inhale from the pipe while sipping some tea, exhale the smoke, and you’ll feel an intense sensation known as “phe” – a term used by Vietnamese to describe the high. It’s advisable to have someone nearby to assist you in case you become overly intoxicated and risk hitting your head. You’ll also become addicted to the unique sound produced while smoking thuoc lao, which adds to the experience.

How to Enjoy Thuoc Lao – Pipe Smoking?
How to Enjoy Thuoc Lao – Pipe Smoking?

Additionally, Vietnamese tobacco is chewed similarly to betel leaves and areca nuts. Simply place a pinch of dry tobacco in your mouth, keeping it between your teeth and cheeks. Occasionally, chew the tobacco to release its juices, but do not swallow it. While chewing thuoc lao may not provide as intense a high as smoking, it’s still a worthwhile experience to try at least once.

What smoking experiences in Vietnam attract foreign tourists?

An experience of smoking thuoc lao in Vietnam can attract foreign tourists through the combination of the following factors:

What smoking experiences in Vietnam attract foreign tourists?
What smoking experiences in Vietnam attract foreign tourists?
  • Unique Cultural Aspect: Smoking thuoc lao is not just an activity, but also a part of Vietnam’s distinctive culture. International tourists often seek to engage in such unique and local activities to gain a deeper understanding of the local culture and way of life.
  • Relaxation Experience: Smoking thuoc lao often takes place in relaxed settings such as traditional coffee shops or bars. This creates an ideal environment for tourists to unwind, interact with local people, and immerse themselves in the cultural atmosphere.
  • Cultural Exchange: Smoking thuoc lao is commonly done during social gatherings with friends or family, providing an opportunity for international tourists to connect with local people and participate in their daily lives. This fosters a unique and meaningful cultural exchange experience.
Thuoc Lao culture
Thuoc Lao culture
  • Rich Flavor Experience: Thuoc lao offers a distinctive and different flavor compared to other types of tobacco worldwide. For some tourists, the experience of smoking thuoc lao may be a chance to explore and enjoy new and unique flavors of the country.
  • Musical Experience: The sound produced by the bamboo pipe when the tobacco is lit creates a unique musical rhythm, adding to the overall experience. This could be a particularly appealing factor for tourists who appreciate music and seek unique experiences.

Why should you choose Vietnam Tour 247 tour?

With an unwavering passion for introducing the culture and beauty of our homeland, Vietnam Tour 247 proudly stands as your reliable companion for every discovery journey in Vietnam.

Vietnam Tour 247's Professional Staff
Why should you choose Vietnam Tour 247 tour?

Firstly, Vietnam Tour 247 is proud to be one of the leading travel companies in Vietnam, with over 10 years of experience in the tourism industry. We are committed to providing our customers with the best, safest, and most comprehensive travel experiences.

Secondly, we are confident in our professional tour guides who have deep knowledge of Vietnam’s culture, history, and tourist destinations. They will be your trusted companions, helping you gain a deeper understanding of each destination and experiencing it to the fullest.

Thirdly, Vietnam Tour 247 always prioritizes customer satisfaction and peace of mind. We offer high-quality tours, from adventurous journeys to cultural excursions, ensuring diverse and enriching experiences for everyone.

Lastly, we are not just a travel company, but also a reliable partner in your cultural exploration journey in Vietnam. We are committed to creating memorable experiences for you and helping you discover the most unique destinations and experiences in our country.

With these reasons, we hope that you will choose Vietnam Tour 247 to explore and experience the remarkable cultures of Vietnam. Let us be your trusted companion on your journey.

Choose Vietnam Tour 247 for an immersive cultural experience like no other. With our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction, we guarantee an unforgettable journey through the vibrant traditions of Vietnam. Let us be your trusted companion as you explore the remarkable cultures of our homeland.

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